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Stop debating climate science; do something

The recent column by Walter Williams about climate science begins with the sentence, “The absolute worst case of professional incompetence and dishonesty is in the area of climate science.”

It doesn’t take but a few minutes to find that both he and Tony Heller, whom he references, have been attacking climate science for years.

I put my faith in the 13 agencies of the U.S. government that produced the Fourth National Climate Assessment a year ago. It is hard for me to imagine that scientists at NASA, NOAA, Commerce, Defense, and the other agencies have all gotten it wrong.

It’s time to stop the debate and begin to take actions to alleviate the effects of the climate crisis. I take some comfort in knowing that, because humanity is the main cause of the planet’s rapid rise in temperature, we can do something about it.

Slowing, then stopping, the emission of greenhouse gases caused by burning fossil fuels is what must be done first. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (, which as of this writing has 73 co-sponsors in the House, will do just that. The legislation would put a carbon tax on fossil fuel emissions and return the revenue generated as a monthly dividend to all Americans.

Most of us would wind up with money in our pocket because the dividend would more than offset the increase in cost of carbon-based products.

Learn more about this bill and, if your member of Congress hasn’t yet become a co-sponsor, urge him or her to do so.

The debate over climate science has gone on too long. It’s time to stop the talk and take action.

Bruce Cooper,

Cranberry Township

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