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Paving to take place in Butler Township over the summer

The Butler Township Commissioners approved a road paving and seal coating project at a meeting Monday, May 20, which is expected to be completed over the summer.

The commissioners awarded the asphalt road resurfacing project, which will cover 10 roads in Butler Township, to Wiest Asphalt & Paving at a cost of $298,075. The commissioners awarded the seal coat project to Russell Standard for $198,958, which will coat 15 roads totaling 43,774 square yards in the township.

Streets that will be paved are Pittsburgh Pike, Stoneridge Boulevard, Winterwood Drive, North McKean Street, Edgewood Road, Rittswood Road, Dingham Road, Ayres Avenue, Walter Street and Jersey Drives.

The streets that will be seal coated are Delason Avenue, Percil Drive, Crisswell Road, Oakdale Road, Evergreen Road, Meadow Avenue, Logan Avenue, Arbor Street, Peterson Street, Randolph Street, Ralston Avenue, Kendall Avenue, Austin Avenue, North Chesapeake Street and Cecilia Avenue.

Dave Meeder, township director of public works, said the start date for the projects has not yet been determined, but the work is set to commence once schools let out.

“Generally those are all after school is out,” Meeder said. “By Aug. 28 is the deadline, so it’s usually July or August.”

Butler Township manager Tom Knights said at the meeting Monday the township will publish a schedule once the township has a better idea of the project’s timeline.

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