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Knoch school board approves work change orders

JEFFERSON TWP — General contractors undertaking renovation work at Knoch High School are continuing construction with structural steel placement.

John Pappas of Eckles Construction addressed board directors of Knoch School District at a meeting April 10 with the latest updates to the $39 million project.

Pappas said contractors would work on roofing and a fiber line next month.

At the April 10 meeting, Pappas told the board contractors were 95% done with all footing for the new addition to the school, and are almost finished with initial demolition and masonry work. The steel, he said then, was expected to arrive the week of April 15.

Later in the meeting, board directors approved a work change order of $1,862 for the replacement of an old clay storm line that had been damaged during excavation, as well as $2,845 for the addition of “two new door frames in the storm shelter area that were modified to accompany the preferred electrified hardware.”

Previously, the board had decided to eliminate the 12-day summer school program. They also elected to modify the district’s summer bridge book program due to low student participation. Superintendent David Foley said 240 students participated last year.

Foley said nearly 1,000 students did not turn in books borrowed from the summer bridge book program. This summer, parents can opt in their children by signing an order form. Other supplemental reading opportunities — such as the district’s accelerated reading program — will continue to be available.

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