Senior Center Menus
Senior centers at Butler, Chicora, Cranberry Township, Evans City, Mars, Slippery Rock, Mount Chestnut and Winfield Township will serve the following menus this week.
Lunch is served at noon. A grab-and-go option is available. Reservations must be made 48 hours in advance. Call 724-282-3008, ext. 6.
MONDAY — Mount Chestnut, Cranberry Township: Centers closed for Columbus Day.
TUESDAY — Evans City, Slippery Rock, Butler, Cranberry Township: Turkey and cheese sandwich, baby carrots with dip, macaroni salad, baked chips, cookie
WEDNESDAY — Chicora, Butler, Cranberry Township: Bratwurst with braised red cabbage, cottage potatoes with bacon, cupcake and ice cream
THURSDAY — Evans City, Winfield Township, Slippery Rock: Stuffed chicken breast with gravy, redskin mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, dinner roll
FRIDAY — Butler, Cranberry Township: Cobb salad, beef vegetable soup, dinner roll, cake