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Take time to give thanks

Rev. Mary Kitchen

One of my favorite parts of the Bible is Paul's letter to the Philippians.

I love this book because Paul wrote it in a difficult time of his life — he was in prison, probably in Rome.

But in spite of his imprisonment, he finds much reason to be thankful. He uses the word “joy” many times in this letter. In spite of his circumstances, he finds much joy and hope in his relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Paul could have been bitter or angry when writing this letter. He could have complained about how unjustly and unfairly he was treated.

But instead of complaining, he finds reasons to give thanks. He knew that his relationship with Christ lifted him above his circumstances. He was not consumed with worry or fear, but rather he was filled with praise.

He wrote “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7)

In this difficult time, it is easy for us to be filled with fear and resentment. We often become impatient as we wait for our jobs, communities, churches and synagogues to open again.

But we are missing an opportunity to live in thankfulness. God can work good through everything that happens to us. There is a silver lining even in the dark clouds that have surrounded us.

We can give thanks in this time for the ways people are reaching out to one another. Many people are finding new ways to help others — donating to food banks, making phone calls, sewing masks to give away.

We can give thanks for our medical workers who are making great sacrifices to care for those who are ill. We give thanks to grocery workers who are providing food. We give thanks to those working to provide takeout meals in our community.

We give thanks for our families, for patience and love as we are spending extra time together.

We give thanks for our faith communities, as we have joined together in prayer, in online worship, in being the hands and feet of Christ in this challenging time.

We give thanks, most of all, for the awareness that God is with us. In prayer we know His gentle Spirit surrounding us. He will never leave us or abandon us, and He will bring us through this time. He helps us to grow in faith as we trust in Him.

God can work good in all circumstances, no matter how difficult. In everything give thanks, for His love is greater than we can know.

The Rev. Mary Kitchen is the pastor of both North Butler Presbyterian Church in Chicora and the East Butler Presbyterian Church in East Butler.

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