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Facts favor Corbett

I hope all Butler County voters will consider a number of facts that I believe should help them make a decision about the race for Governor.

&bull: Pennsylvania taxpayers have had no increase in income tax with Tom Corbett as governor.

&bull: Do you recall the national news coverage of a Philadelphia man who said he had voted in five different precincts and had one more stop to make? Tom Wolf stated he does not believe that we need voter ID. He does not want to disenfranchise voters. Corbett believes in one vote for one citizen.

&bull: Wolf continues to make false statements about education funding. The Department of Education website shows a bar graph of state support for public schools. Every year shows increased spending since 2011 when Corbett was sworn in. Newspapers statewide have verified this, but Wolf keeps up his campaign of misinformation.

&bull: Liberal California billionaire Tom Steyer was reported in Politico to have promised immense financial support to Wolf’s campaign. Steyer is an environmental activist and his political action committee plans to target Philadelphia voters. One can assume that Steyer opposes exploration for Marcellus Shale gas, which has brought thousands of dollars to Butler County property owners.

&bull: Wolf implies that drillers in Pennsylvania are not being taxed for wells drilled. In 2013, Butler County received $1 million in impact fees. In 2012, the county received more than $741,000. This is, of course, in addition to hundreds of thousands paid directly to local municipalities and property owners.

&bull: Corbett is the first governor to address the problem of funding state pensions. He has proposed a new pension format to save the state from the financial chaos that faces California and Illinois. Wolf was revenue secretary under former Gov. Ed Rendell, and no such proposals came from him then.

&bull: Corbett is anti-abortion. He helped enact House Bill 818, which bans taxpayer funding of abortions under the health insurance exchange created in Pennsylvania. Abortion rights Wolf is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and NARAL, which advocate abortion on demand.

&bull: President Barack Obama will be in Philadelphia campaigning for Wolf. A vote for Wolf is a vote for Obama. Butler County said “No” to Barack Obama by a 2-1 margin in 2012. It’s time to say no to the same regime again.

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