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Climate change: complacent vs. apocalyptic

Apart from outright denial, our options for thinking about climate change are limited, ranging from resignation and complacency at one end to the robustly apocalyptic at the other. The philosophical territory between these two extremes is, for the most part, barren land.

I’m inclined toward the apocalyptic version. It’s not that I want to see our globe afflicted with the worst possible consequences of climate change — and it could be terrible, indeed — it’s that humankind’s history is so fraught with near-apocalypse and mini-apocalypse on a local scale that we should be careful about underestimating our capacity to do damage globally.

On the other hand, maybe we can tolerate only so much of the apocalyptic vision of our world’s future. Doomsday becomes harder to accept; complacency and resignation become increasingly attractive.

In fact, some writers are suggesting that too much “sky-is-falling” rhetoric does more harm than good. In this month’s Atlantic Monthly, Charles Mann suggests that “Climate Hysterics Hurt Their Own Cause,” arguing that ordinary citizens have trouble responding to an overwrought apocalyptic vision of our climate future when they aren’t affected in obvious, practical ways by global changes.

And when actually doing anything about it would require “swearing off” the cheap hydrocarbons that make the comforts and pleasures of modern life possible, well, it’s not a message that people want to hear.

Mann refers to eight current books about the climate; two of them represent the poles of our response to climate change.

At one end is “Oil and Honey,” by Bill McKibben, an apocalyptic doomsayer who sees climate chaos in our future, “an endless chain of disasters that will turn civilization into a never-ending emergency response drill.”

McKibben’s prescription is a turn away from global consumerism toward the organic and local, to “a nation of careful, small-scale farmers who can adapt to the crazed new world with care and grace, and who don’t do much more damage in the process.”

At the other pole is “The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse,” by Pascal Bruckner, who argues that people react with suspicion, skepticism, and apathy to apocalyptic zealots like McKibben.

Bruckner is a French public intellectual who, writing in the summer of 2013 in The Chronicle of Higher Education (“Against Environmental Panic”), dismissively suggests that the apocalyptists are overreacting. After all, “yesterday it was the millennium bug, today it is global warming . tomorrow it will be something else.”

The planet is just one more in a series of “emblematic victims — Jews, blacks, slaves, proletarians, colonized people,” that zealots, cranks, and prophets of doom rush to rally around.

Why are we so upset, he asks, “given that our lives are still extraordinarily pleasant”?

But this kind of thinking is worrisome. Of course, Bruckner’s life is probably very pleasant, but I’m not so sure about the lives of the millions who are already being displaced by rising sea levels and advancing drought and famine. Or the victims of Hurricane Sandy, for that matter.

With regard to climate change, the deniers, the complacent, and the resigned suffer from insufficient imagination. The consensus of the world’s climate scientists should alarm us, as should the current headlines. As I write, the Associated Press reports that “U.N. says CO2 at record high,” suggesting that by mid-century global temperatures will increase by another 3.6 degrees.

At the same time, the Audubon Society reports that of 588 North American bird species studied, 314 are at risk from global warming; they will either adapt or become extinct in a few years. Oh, well.

Admittedly, the apocalyptic vision promoted by activists like McKibben and Al Gore hasn’t been particularly effective. But they’re going up against human nature. We are, indeed, addicted to hydrocarbons, and if we can’t muster the will to respond to the threat of climate change, we do what addicts always do, we rationalize.

In fact, we look for ways to justify doing nothing. And with the help of rationalizations by intellectuals like Bruckner, well, that’s pretty much what we’re doing.

John M. Crisp, an op-ed columnist for McClatchy-Tribune, teaches in the English Department at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas.

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