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Butler County's great daily newspaper

End fiscal gridlock

No responsibility of government is more fundamental than maintaining the highest standards of ethical behavior by those who conduct the public business for the common good of our nation.

The common good is when elected public servants act decisively at the time action is needed.

Public decisions should be made by taking each perspective into consideration and doing what is best for the majority.

Problems of immediacy, like the “fiscal cliff,” always have the advantage of attracting notice. We, therefore, urge our U.S. congressman, Mike Kelly, and the rest of the House of Representatives to keep the current tax cuts for the middle class and allow the cuts for the top 2 percent to expire.

The federal budget can and should be made an instrument of prosperity and stability, and not a deterrent to recovery. If there is bipartisan support for this reasonable proposition, then the American people should be given this early Christmas holiday gift.

Our lawmakers shouldn’t act like it is Groundhog Day, casting their shadow on recovery, giving us six more weeks of gridlock.

Keeping the current tax cuts for the 98 percent will add more momentum to the American economy and lead us to full recovery.

By avoiding a catastrophic budget meltdown, we can prevent a new recession and enlarge the economic pie that will provide new jobs and produce goods and services that are not beyond the reach of the family budget.

This lame-duck session of Congress needs some statesmen to realize that all elements in our national economy are interdependent.

The efforts of government and business should not be viewed as natural enemies; our national interest requires that they perform as allies.

Elections do have consequences. The American people will not permit the opponents of progress and defenders of special interests to block every forward move.

Congress must be committed to action now.

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