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Holy Week message: He has risen, do not be afraid

Rev. John Baver

And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Hail!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” — Matthew 28:9-10

We are in the midst of the most sacred week of the year. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week mark the concluding days of the Lenten season.

It is significant the word “Lent” literally means “spring.” This is because the season of Lent always begins during the winter and ends in spring. As the season of Lent progresses, we see nature coming back to life, temperatures gradually getting warmer and leaves budding on the trees.

So the season of Lent is to be in our spiritual lives. Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we conform ourselves ever more closely to Jesus, shedding sin and opening our hearts to Divine Grace and Mercy.

No doubt, this has been a unique Lenten season. We are living in the midst of unprecedented times for us all; nothing like our current situation has occurred in over 100 years.

A natural reaction is fear. What will life be like in three months, six months, or Holy Week in 2021? Of course, we do not know. Yet, we “walk by faith, not by sight.” — 2 Corinthians 5:7

This week is a perfect antidote to the uncertainty of our time. The above quotation from Matthew will be proclaimed in our Church on the evening of Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil. The Risen Christ encounters the women who were going to visit the tomb. His first words are, “Hail! Do not be afraid.” They too were frightened, uncertain, wondering what the future would hold.

With these beautiful words, Jesus cuts through all fear. He has risen! No earthly crisis, uncertain future, or pandemic will change the fact that Jesus is the “Resurrection and the Life.” — John 11:25

Then Jesus addresses the women concerning the apostles. They had just failed him miserably. Would Jesus seek retribution, dismiss them from his sight, punish them for cowardice and incompetence?

Not at all. He beautifully says, “go tell my brethren.” Jesus is love, mercy, and forgiveness. Let us go to Him with abundant joy. Let us turn over our financial worries, health concerns, and uncertainty about when this scourge will pass to the One who boldly proclaims, “Be not afraid!”

Happy Easter, my dear friends of Butler!

“ ... for he has risen, as he said.” — Matthew 28:6

The Rev. John Baver is the Senior Parochial Vicar for Butler Area Catholic Parishes, which includes St. Andrew, St. Fidelis, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Paul and St. Peter.

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