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Jesus makes the most perilous places manageable

Pastor Dennis Kozora

The disciples' hearts were crushed when Jesus was laid in the tomb.

They were in lockdown in their houses. The virus of fear immobilized them, all hope seemed to be gone.

Confused, doubtful and yet they stayed close together. Endeavoring to persevere through this turbulent time.

They were huddled together behind locked doors when Jesus appeared to all of them.

There is no real safe place in the world without Jesus, but His presence makes the most perilous places manageable.

Sticking together as a family and a country huddled at the foot of the cross gives us life and hope.

Jesus lived, died and rose from the dead so that you would not be alone. It's not time to be arrogant or proud, but humble.

God's word promises us: “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” Romans 10:13

Pray with me. Jesus forgive us for pushing you out of our schools, we print on our money, “In God we trust,” But not in our hearts. Today we acknowledge you as Lord and Savior. Forgive us our sins. We put our trust in you.

Bring us out of the tomb of self-righteousness.

“Let us be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as Christ forgave us.” Ephesians 4:32

I believe God is speaking to us. Listen for His voice.

In 1 Kings 19 the great prophet Elijah struggled with fear and doubt. He quarantined himself in a cave, telling God I'm the only one left. God said go stand on Mount Horeb, the mountain of God, I want to teach you something. A strong wind (tornado) tore the mountain to pieces, but God was not in the wind. After the wind, an earthquake but God was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, a fire, but God was not in the fire. But after the fire a still small voice. His delicate whispering voice said, “What are you doing in a cave? I've got more for you to do!

We can learn from a dark place of isolation.

It's time to respond to His sweet voice. Emmanuel means God with us. Our real virus in not outside our house, but inside our hearts.

As the coronavirus subsides, let us arise in His love and grace. God loves you with an everlasting love. He will not give up on you.

“It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22,23

He is gracious and abundant in loving kindness. Let us be one nation under God and actually put our trust in Him.

Dennis Kozora is pastor of Christ is the Answer Ministry in Sarver.

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