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Special counsel Mueller's inquest must be completed

We’re wading into dangerous territory, politically speaking, when politicians blatantly politicize the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The only worse offense might be politicizing less blatantly, expecting not to get caught.

That’s certainly not the case with Friday’s declassification and release of the Nunes House Intelligence Committee memo criticizing the FBI’s role in the special investigation into alleged collusion by Russian elements in the 2016 presidential campaign.

The Republican chairman of the committee, Rep. Devin Nunes of California, said the committee had discovered “serious violations of the public trust.” He released the memo because, he said, “the American people have a right to know when officials in crucial institutions are abusing their authority for political purposes.”

President Donald Trump was a little more celebratory when he tweeted Saturday that the memo “totally vindicates ‘Trump’ in probe” even as “the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on.”

Trump’s exuberance seems to have tempered the resolve of other GOP members of Nunes’ committee. Of the four who appeared on Sunday morning news talk shows:

- Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, said, “I think this (allegations of Trump’s involvement) is a separate issue.”

- Chris Stewart, R-Utah, said, “No, it doesn’t end that.”

- Will Hurd, R-Texas, said, “I don’t,” when asked whether he agreed with Trump.

- Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., asked whether the memo affected the investigation, said, “No, not to me, it doesn’t, and I was pretty integrally involved in the drafting of it.”

Comments from two other noteworthy Republicans add clarity:

Gen. Michael Hayden, former CIA, NSA director and principle deputy director of national intelligence during the Bush Administration: “The ‘Release the memo’ rallying cry on social media ... is the leading message now being pushed by Russian intelligence forces. ... The most trending hashtag on Kremlin-controlled botnets as we speak is ‘Release the memo.’”

What Hayden is saying is that the Russians are still up to their antics of contorting American political opinion — with or without the help or collusion of any political figures or parties.

Finally, a statement from moderate Republican Gov. John Kasich of Ohio:

“The FBI and Department of Justice are important to our country. While we must maintain oversight of these institutions, it has to be done in a bipartisan manner — not for partisan reasons or political gain. The manner in which this ... (memo was released) was wrong and does a disservice to our country.”

It is very serious when a foreign power engages in sophisticated efforts to impact not just our elections, but elections throughout the world, Kasich said. But to be blunt about it, is anyone surprised?

Allegations that similar games are being played inside the Justice Department — and in particular within the FBI — is downright disturbing.

Which is why Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must proceed unimpeded.

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