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Political cover

Another school year, and for the taxpayers of the Butler Area School District another tax increase. While one administrator bemoaned, “There’s not a penny that can be cut from this budget,” another was elated that the board passed an increased budget so we “send out the tax cards!”

I would like to point out that these comments were made even though the state increased the funds to school districts this year, including Butler. More of our money.

A report in the Butler Eagle’s Sept. 7 edition (“Butler to weigh school options,” page 1) offered some clues as to how money is being wasted with the expenditure of $144,590 for a “study” lasting 17 months. Every scrap of information provided to the consultant, Thomas and Williamson was provided by the district. If the administration and board already have this information, why are we paying this money for a study?

The story quotes the senior consultant, Jon Thomas, saying he’s done a number of consolidation studies and it’s tough for the people to accept. In other words, what the school board has wasted your money on is cover for them so they can point to the “study” for the unpalatable decisions to close some schools. A dog and pony show complete with charts, graphs and maps because adults charged with the responsibility to provide children with a basic education and stewardship of the taxpayers’ money will not face that responsibility of what needs to be done.

Every elective subject and every after-school activity is a gift from the taxpayers to the students. Our district has many senior citizens and young families struggling every day in this economy who can little afford keeping subjects open for as few as 35 students.

The school board can not in good conscience ask these citizens to keep schools open that clearly need to close. I would say that the district does not have a funding problem, but a responsibility and spending problem. It is long since past the time when the board faces these problems and the citizens make sure of it.

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