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Butler County's great daily newspaper

Don't ignore census form

Stand up and be counted Butler County, it’s time for the 2020 U.S. Census.

Every 10 years, the U.S. government is mandated by the Constitution to count every person living in the country. Unlike voting, which is limited to a registered class of citizens, the census seeks to count everyone regardless of age, gender or citizenship status.

The census is so much more than just a head count. It is a snapshot of America that determines how congressional seats are apportioned and how state and federal dollars are distributed.

Detailed census data helps the federal government determine how much funding to give states, counties, cities and other municipalities. That means money for updating schools, repairing roads and maintaining public utilities such as water, sewage and electricity.

Census data is also vital to businesses as a key source of information about the U.S. population’s changing needs.

In broad terms, the census helps us see how our country is changing.

To accomplish all this properly, the count needs to be accurate.

A successful and accurate census will ensure: equal and fair representation, that every community receives the funding to which it is entitled and that policymakers can make better-informed decisions.

If Butler County is undercounted by the census, it will lose out on funding it rightfully deserves.

Locally, the census is going to be conducted through a regional office that opened in Cranberry Township this year.

Look for your census packet in the mail beginning in March, one per household. It should take less than 10 minutes to fill out the required information. This year, you can do it online. The online forms are encrypted, meaning responses are safe regardless of the device used to fill out the form.

We urge all Butler County residents to take the time to fill out their form.

Stand up and be counted.

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