Site last updated: Friday, September 20, 2024

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Butler County's great daily newspaper


Thanks to everyone who helps feed the hungry in our area

“Put a little love in your heart, and the world will be a better place” are the lyrics of an old song.

Every year, the combination of the Butler Farm Show, the completion of the 4-H & FFA livestock projects with the Livestock Market Sale and the St. Vincent de Paul Food Cupboard appeal for animals to “meat” the need for feeding the hungry in our area and produce a synergism for our community.

Since the Butler Farm Show was organized in 1948, its core values have promoted the idea of bringing city, farm and business people together.

These ideals have grown into a family tradition filled with love: of family, the environment, community, country and the world as stated in the 4-H pledge and FFA motto.

The St. Vincent de Paul Food Cupboard runs solely on cash and food donations to address the needs of the nearly 600 families who come to us monthly.

We are grateful for the caring, love and compassion of businessmen, farmers and private citizens like Amerikohl Mining, Inc., Butler Agway, Butler County Farm Bureau, DiPippa Chiropractic, Harold Foertsch, Kriss and Wendy Simmons, West Central Equipment and XTO, who donated animals for our food distribution. Thank you for “Helping Us Help Others” by extending them and the students of the Junior Livestock Sale a hand up.

We therefore nominate everyone associated with the annual Junior Livestock Market Sale as our persons of the week for making America and Butler strong now and well into the future.

We also appreciate the continued support of the many gardeners and farmers who donate vegetables and nonperishable items to us on Saturdays from 8 a.m. until noon at St. Michael’s social hall on Center Avenue. Saturday, Sept. 14 is our last regular collection at St. Michael’s.

We are also blessed by the hunters who share their harvest with us. For more information on how you can help, contact Lew at (724) 991-6094 or Jerry at (724) 285-1552.

Jerome Motko, St. Vincent de Paul, Butler

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