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Bible school twist

Sharon Heist Miller, the Christian education coordinator of First English Lutheran Church, said the church is trying a day camp instead of a vacation Bible school this summer with counselors from Lutherlyn running the program.
Lutherlyn will run day camp at church

There will be something new under the summer sun this year at First English Lutheran Church, 241 N. Main St.

Instead of a week of vacation Bible school, the church will offer a Lutherlyn Day Camp for attendees entering first through fifth grade, said Sharon Heist Miller, the church's Christian education coordinator.

The day camp will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 24 through June 28.

“In place of a VBS, we usually put on one ourselves,” said Miller. “I've always wanted to go out to Lutherlyn for Bible school, but that would have been a logistics nightmare.”

“Instead three counselors will come to the church and they will bring crafts and materials and they will do everything,” said Miller.

Deb Roberts, the executive director of the year-round Lutheran camp and retreat in Prospect, said “Three staff members will go out to churches this summer with games, materials and puppets and lead the program each day.

“From an opening devotion, the day camp will feature games and activities, nature, Bible study, puppets and we end the day with the closing campfire,” she said.

“It's really not a campfire but we close the day with silly skits and songs,” said Roberts.

Miller said the campers will bring their own lunches, although the church will supply them with a snack and drinks.

Miller said First English won't charge the campers.

She said, “A lot of these kids aren't even members but they are from the area.” The church is considering this year's day camp an outreach to the community.

She said First English is hoping for a minimum of 20 children but has a maximum of 30 campers.

The day campers will be inside most of the time, Miller said.

“While we are putting a fence up around the front yard of the church, we'll be making use of the space down here (in the church basement),” said Miller.

Roberts said the theme of the day camp will be “Transformed Community,” based on Romans 12:2; “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Roberts said parents should provide children with a bagged lunch, make sure they wear running shoes daily and wear clothes appropriate for outdoor activities.

Roberts said, “Vacation Bible school is heavy on a theme. This is more camping based.”

Miller added First English will still offer a more traditional vacation Bible school for children from 3 years old to pre-kindergarten age from 9 to 11:30 a.m. June 24 through the 28.

Roberts said Lutherlyn was sending two teams of three a week to different churches all summer to put on the day camps.

Miller said, “This is more of an outreach than a traditional vacation Bible school. I have all the confidence in the world in Lutherlyn and their counselors.”

“We'll see how it is received by the children, but I feel good about our alternative,” she said, adding the church hopes to bring it back next year if it is successful this year.

WHAT: Lutherlyn Day Camp at First English ChurchWHEN: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 24 to 28WHERE: First English Lutheran Church, 241 N. Main St.INFO: Email Sharon Miller at To register: and click onto the Lutherlyn Day Camp box

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