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Don't call it a tax

I do appreciate the Butler Eagle printing my letter to the editor (“Pushing a carbon tax,” April 23, page 4). However, the title given to my article inadvertently misleads the reader — I do not support a carbon tax, and the words “carbon tax” never appeared in my letter.

A federal “tax” of any type is fiercely resisted by many people; the word “tax” implies that the money collected goes to the federal government, where it can be (and often is) misspent. The beauty of the Energy Innovation and Energy Dividend Act is that it does NOT create a carbon tax — it creates a carbon FEE that is collected and immediately returned to every U.S. citizen in the form of a monthly dividend check. Third party economic analyses of this type of fee and dividend program have shown that the average working class person would pocket an extra $500 more per year than any surcharge the fossil fuel companies might pass along to consumers.

This legislation represents a win-win-win solution to quickly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, creating good-paying jobs, and boosting our economy — which is why it represents a bipartisan effort to leave our children and grandchildren with a more livable world. Learn more about this at

Please consider publishing this in the Letters to the Editor, or the “Corrections” section, to clarify the important distinction between a carbon tax and a carbon fee and dividend program.

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