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Victimized again

We need to pray for Christine Blasey Ford.

It doesn’t matter if you are for or against Brett Kavanaugh. Ford asked for privacy for herself and her family. She trusted Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., to confidentially pass her letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Her letter, dated July 30, stated: “As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.”

Her desire for privacy was denied as the letter was leaked for political purposes. The Democrats knew about this issue from early July. They had the letter from July 30 through September and never alerted the rest of the Judiciary Committee to its existence. Feinstein had ample opportunity over several days of hearings to ask Kavanaugh about the accusations, even behind closed doors, which would have protected Ford. Instead, the letter was leaked and the Democrats turned the whole process into a three-ring circus.

Additionally, Ford was represented by attorneys recommended by Feinstein’s staff. Those attorneys did not inform Ford of the opportunity to meet with the committee at her home and avoid having to appear before them in D.C. (according to Ford’s testimony before the committee). This is not an oversight as the committee made multiple attempts to inform Ford through her legal team.

I personally am in favor of an investigation of both Rep. Eshoo and Sen. Feinstein over their handling of this matter and especially as it relates to the ethics of the committee and to the leaking of the letter. I would further like to see the Bar Association investigate the legal team that represented Ford.

Whatever trauma happened 36 years ago, while not insignificant, seems to pale in light of how Ford and her family have suffered because of the total failure of people she trusted to honor her wishes in virtually every way. As a conservative I abhor any attempt by anyone to abuse, insult or threaten Ford or her family. Her testimony could have and should have remained confidential and behind closed doors for her protection. My prayers go out to her and her family that this nightmare will soon end for them and that they will all be safe and can return to their lives quickly.

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