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Drifting socialist

The recently elected socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez indicates that our nation is moving quickly to the uncertain outer regions of leftist ideology. The new leadership of our political parties, especially the Democrats, are endorsing socialistic policies designed to radically shift wealth from the rich to the underclass. Even Pope Francis is an advocate of this narrative.

Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Cortez and many other elected leftists are rallying their voter base by pointing out that middle-class families are increasingly unable to afford the basic staples of society such as health care and education. The leftist inspired Democratic Camp is asking Congress to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to guarantee federal jobs and Medicare-for-all programs. They even called for aggressive antitrust regulations that would break up the tech giants and publicly endorse Democratic Socialists of America.

The evidence that America will soon be a socialist state demands a verdict. Leaders of the California Democratic Party voted to endorse Kevin de León, another devoted socialist, for the U.S. Senate over incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez called Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “the future of the party.” The backgrounds of socialists like Cortez, Warren, Perez and Sanders exposes them for what they are — revolutionaries who will say and do anything to get elected.

Leftists are increasingly occupying congressional seats. The likelihood that their legislation will continue to transform our nation to a socialist state is a sure bet. As consumer costs continue to rise, the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit of the socialist tree is getting too much to endure.

In its early stages, socialism’s prestigious success is hard to argue, especially when the three class system evolves into one. Free public transportation, federally paid-for housing and a guaranteed paycheck is enormously hard to argue. Like any philosophy that guarantees eternal happiness, it’s human nature to avoid the ominous details. As our ability to pay for our experimentation into socialism ends, will that result in a moneyless society like James Hilton’s Shangri-La?

“We rule with moderate strictness and in return we are satisfied with moderate obedience. As a result, our people are moderately honest, moderately chaste and, somewhat more than, moderately happy.”

— From the 1937 movie “Lost Horizon”

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