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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the tablet you got me last year I use it a lot. I have a lot of ornaments on my Christmas tree this year .I hope your reindeer are ready for Christmas. I’ll bake lots of cookies for you. I am exited for Christmas.

Your friend Peyton


Dear Santa,

Thank you for getting me my puppy last year . How are you doing I hope you will get lots of presents for me my sister and my brother. We will put out cookies and milk for you to eat and I hope you will fill our stockings with lots of candy . I hope the reindeer are doing good how are the elves let me guess they are good I hope they are making me gifts . I hope my elves are coming soon they are very funny I hope the baby I doing good.

Sincerely Sayge


Dear Santa

How are you and the reindeer doing? I appreciate what you gave me for Christmas last year! Santa Claus you are the best person ever! And we will have cookies. Have a holly jolly Christmas



Dear Santa,

How are you Santa. I will leave you 1 candy cane and a big gingerbread cookie and a cup of hot chocolate and the reindeer some carrots. Thank you for sending Angelina the elf on the shelf to my house. Thank you for the note you wrote me last year. I am asking you one more time please can I have Rudolph.

From your secret best friend Jadyn!


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the Legos I love them. How do the reindeer fly? Last year my family and I had no snow we had a green Christmas. I been trying to get five bee slips to get something for my brother Canaan.

Your friend Joktan.


Dear Santa,

Thanks for the presents last year Santa. I hope you liked are lights Santa.I hope your reindeer are doing good Santa.I hope liked are snowman Santa.I really hope you like are tree this year Santa.I really liked are cookies I hope you liked the cookies to Santa.I hope I get a lot of presents this year Santa.I hope you have a good Christmas Santa.



Dear Santa,

My elf Timmy has not been very nice.I hope all of the elves have been good for you.I am going to a water park after Christmas.I am going to put out cookies for you and carrots for your reindeer.I am excited to celebrate Christmas.

Your friend, Hayden


Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving us presents for Christmas. We really appreciate it. When you come to my house you will get cookies, eggnog, and carrots for your reindeer. Thank you for my RCA tablet last year and my sister would like a laptop. My Christmas tree is decorated with colorful flashing lights and strung popcorn and put it on the tree. We also rearrange our family room and it looks really nice. Can you bring me a laptop with a mouse? Thank you and have a great holiday

Love, Aaron



Thank you for giving us presents for chrismas. Thanks cookies my mom and dad

Thank you for cookies I like you LOVE cookies LOVE LOVE santa claaus




Dear Santa

I wonder how you and the elves and Mrs. Claus are doing.

I love my stuff I got. I will give you a lot of cookies and milk.

I am trying my best in school. I would like a hover board

Love, cheyanne


Dear Santa,

Thank you for what you got me and my brothers last year how are you and the elves and misses claws we will put out cookies for you and carrots for the reindeer I hope you get me a few present must be hard for the elves to make all the presents for the kids all around the world I will put a tree with candy canes adornments my family and me will homemade cookies thank you Santa have fun and have a merry Christmas.

Sincerely, Zachery


Dear santa, Thank you for the Legos last time. santa you better leave some cookies for mrs claus.

Santa can you get me a Legos. Can you get me a x box.

Your Friend,



Dear santa,

How are your rein deer doing and how are you doing santa and elfs thank you for giving those presents

That was very kind of you giving me those presents for me thank you if my mom ses that if I can make cookies thank you for every thanks santa claus.

Your Friend,



Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer doing? I loved the Galaxy 3DS that you got me Last Year. I am going to leave out cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. I might leave out a present for you. I don`t want anything for Christmas.

Love Chloe


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the tablet last year it had gave me a little trouble last year but my mom fixed it know it is working awesome . I am going to leave you mike and cookies I am also I am going to leave you reindeer food .this year I want a drone .

Your friend Wyatt


Dear Santa

How are the reindeer? How are you Santa and mrs. Claus.

I hope you know where my house? Could get my pappy a new hunting suit and me could get my Tina and David,Pappy,Jasper a puppy. Please bring me Nike shoes.




Dear Santa,

I loved all of the presents you brought me they were the best I love playing with them thank you. I appreciate what you brought me every single year. Hhow are of your reindeer. i will try to always give you cookies. And I will put out reindeer food to. how are you doing I love going down stairs and knowing you stopped by my house and seeing you ate the cookies me and my family picked out for you. I love when the elf comes to my house I look forward to it every year how are all of your elves doing because there are tons of elves .Christmas is my favorite Holidays. i really would like a piano it is ok if you don’t get me it thank you.

Your friend Alyssa


Dear Santa,

Thank you so much for the presents you got me last year. One of my favorite presents was my ipad. I love playing on it. Did you like the cookies and milk we made for you last year? I’m excited to make them for you this year. I am also excited to sprinkle the reindeer food into the yard. I love where my elf has been hiding this year so far. How are you, Mrs. Claus, the reindeer, and the elves. Would you please get me an original fitbit, and my brother some fishing stuff? Have a great season.



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