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Smart tips to ace the road

The backpacks are full, the car pools are set, and the homework is piling up as we continue to transition away from summer and back-to-school.

Whether you are walking your child to the bus stop, dragging your teen out of bed or dropping your child off at school, the morning routines for millions of Americans around the country have changed

In its latest quarterly Gauge Index, Hankook found that 35 percent of Americans believe the start of school causes more traffic on the roads, which impacts morning commutes.

In addition to being slowed down on the road, over 10 percent of Americans reported that it takes longer for them to get out of the door in the morning. Along with getting to work, here are some other trends for the school year:

Learning to driveDon’t be surprised if Americans drive like their parents, as the Gauge Index revealed half of all drivers were taught by Mom or Dad. The next most frequent driving teacher is a professional instructor (23 percent), followed by friends (8 percent) and siblings (6 percent). No matter who does the teaching, chances are they’d be called to the head of the class, as 85 percent of drivers are confident they would not be a better driver if someone else taught them.

Driver detentionEveryone has their own habits on the road, both good and bad, but 29 percent of Americans recognized speeding as the most popular bad habit on the road. Talking or texting on the phone (12 percent), changing lanes without using a blinker (9 percent) and not wearing a seat belt (7 percent) were other bad habits recognized by drivers.

Back-to-school driving 101 Hankook offers some basic automotive tips to ensure safe and smooth driving this fall.Start the season off right with a DIY vehicle audit. Be sure to check your tire pressure, tire tread, oil levels and brake lights. To check your tread, insert a penny into your tire’s tread grooves. If the top of Lincoln’s head is visible, your tires are worn and you likely need to replace them.Have you ever forgot where you parked? If so, you are not alone. The Hankook Gauge Index found 75 percent of people have in fact forgotten where they parked. To avoid having this happen, take a picture of your parking spot or note the lot number or another landmark on your phone.While we can forget where we parked, we can also forget what kind of tires are on our car. Make sure your car is running on the right, season-appropriate tires.

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