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Health care flub

The Republicans have decided to erase the Affordable Care Act from the face of the Earth. Their chief claim for doing this is the Democrats single-handedly tried to solve health care needs of American Society with a thoroughly modern Democratic slant.

I must add President Obama did not help matters at the first meeting with the Republicans to rub their nose in the fact the Democrats won the elections and we will do what we want.

The opportunity lies in the fixing of a flawed law. Not since the repeal of Prohibition has this been done. My Democrats will grudgingly admit some flaws. The Republicans are stuck on total repeal and fulfilling their political promise, and the public be damned. The whole time this political hooey is going on we Americans suffer.

Politics is being placed ahead of what is good for the country and American people. The rank and file politician would love to have a common sense solution. It is the intransigent leadership of both parties whose main goal of reelection has the priority.

As a parting shot, should this not make a good case for every new law passed having a sunset provision? This would require a mandated review after five years. The goals as set forth in the initial law would be the yardstick of success or failure. Amendments or possible repeal at five years would be the result of a sunset provision. I doubt this would be permitted due to the House or Senate being held accountable on the record.

I voted Republican last fall. I am finding my vote wasted due to the Republican ineptitude. Democrat promises don’t hold water and divide my country. Where am I to turn?

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