Site last updated: Friday, September 20, 2024

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Butler County's great daily newspaper

This is democracy?

A health care bill that will affect millions is being rushed to a vote before we the people have a chance to review it. Most Americans disapprove of this bill, yet Republican senators are fast-tracking its approval. Our representatives don’t seem to be representing us.

Details trickle out. On Monday it was revealed that people who let their insurance lapse — say, by failing to make a payment while they are in the hospital — will not be allowed to buy a new policy for six months. This is a big detail, and the news broke just days before the scheduled vote.

There’s an age tax that will allow companies to charge people like me (between 50 and 64) as much as five times what they charge younger clients.

I would love to know more about the tax breaks for the wealthy that will equal about $350 billion over 10 years. Wouldn’t that money be better spent on improving care in our nursing homes, or reversing the opiod epidemic?I bet constituents in nursing homes want to know how a $400 billion cut to Medicaid will affect them.

This is no way to govern. Even ObamaCare, with its reputation for being done quickly, wasn’t passed without many hearings, a 25-day Senate debate, a presidential address to a joint session of Congress, and numerous amendment votes.

Sen. Pat Toomey helped create this bill in secret. If it’s approved by the Senate, it will be up to Rep. Mike Kelly to show he’s willing to defend this bill, and explain to his constituents how it will provide them better health care at lower costs.

It’s time for our leaders to show us what democracy looks like.

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