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Butler County's great daily newspaper

Two-faced Trump

Donald Trump ran for president as some kind of ersatz populist, appealing to the confusion and concerns of a large constituency of hard working Americans demanding change.

Trump, a master manipulator, astutely recognized their alienation from an economic model that favors the affluent while leaving the masses poorer every year.

Yet it was crystal clear to anyone who bothered to look that the Trump tax plan is the same old Republican brand of voodoo economics.

While adding billions to the deficit it nevertheless bestows tax cuts on billionaire and millionaires.

It should be pointed out that one local beneficiary from the Trump tax cuts is our very own congressman, Mike Kelly.

Congressman Kelly represents us in Washington from a gerrymandered district that all but assures his re-election every cycle.

Now Trump has endorsed the Republican health care initiative that analysts predict will leave millions medically indigent. Ironically, this will include legions of Trump acolytes.

For the lack of a better word, they’ve been had.

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