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Divided America

The social media is composed of images and words that are meant to affect the viewer’s mind. Whether it be joy, love or just pure unadulterated hatred, those images and words are forever embedded in our minds.

I wonder if the “high” we experience when we rip, condemn and grossly ridicule, even threaten to harm, those who we find intolerable is the means to an end to the greatest nation on earth?

I remember times when neighborhoods stuck up for each other. Times when people overlooked their differences because they felt that those differences were not important enough to ruin a relationship or disrupt the peace of their fellow man.

We had sense of protecting each other. Risking our lives for someone you didn’t know was a common virtue. The America I grew up in was a united America. When anyone or thing threatened that unity, no matter our differences, we stayed united and fought off that threat.

It seems to me that our unity is gone. For the first time in history the whole world knows America is divided and believes we are a wounded country. Our enemies are watching from hidden places silently waiting for the magic moment when they can swoop in and take what belongs to us.

Ironically, it won’t require an invasion or launching weapons of mass destruction.

Ironically, it will be the paralyzing damage of our relentless personal attacks not at our foreign enemies but at each other. Conspiracies, unfounded fears and our total lack of concern for each other’s safety and welfare will ultimately bring down this nation and leave it exposed to the opportunistic vultures.

Ending his news conference Thursday, President Donald Trump addressed the increasing political tensions in this country and how it has divided Americans.

“I didn’t come along and divide this country,” said Trump. “This country was seriously divided before I got here.”

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