Site last updated: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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Butler County's great daily newspaper

Protect consumers

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created after the economic collapse to protect consumers and reduce the risk of another collapse. But members of Congress from Pennsylvania are siding with big Wall Street banks instead.

The CFPB has already returned nearly $12 billion to over 27 million consumers by suing companies for breaking the law. Among its numerous actions is a record $100 million penalty and consumer restitution against Wells Fargo for fraudulent consumer accounts.

Additionally, its website hosts a complaint database that has processed over 1 million complaints, and it provides educational resources to make important financial decisions.

Disappointingly, Rep. Mike Kelly co-sponsored HR 14866, a bill that would remove the CFPB’s independent funding from the Federal Reserve. How much money would Congress, which received nearly 800 million dollars in contributions from the financial sector from this election cycle, budget for this watchdog?

There will likely be attempts to sneak attacks like this into the budget in December. Bad bills will also reemerge next year.

If more Pennsylvania residents contact our members of Congress in support of the CFPB, we can make sure consumer voices aren’t drowned out.

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