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Unsafe drivers

I read with some amusement the editorial in support of allowing all police in Pennsylvania to use radar for “speed enforcement.”

I have speed enforcement in quotations because we don't actually know what will happen if local departments are allowed to use radar. Will “speed enforcement” mean that anyone exceeding the speed limit by 1 mph could be issued a ticket; 2 mph; 10 mph? We don't know.

It has been shown in study after study that red light cameras do not enhance safety, they actually increase accidents at intersections. So will having radar guns all over the state enhance safety? It sounds good, but I have to disagree.

If law enforcement really cared about the safety of motorists, then they would be going after aggressive drivers. I could easily make the argument that aggressive driving causes far more accidents than mere speeding.

I commute from Saxonburg to Pittsburgh every day. I use Route 28, and every day I see aggressive, unsafe, and reckless behavior at the Fox Chapel exit and at the Highland Park Bridge exit. Every day I see aggressive motorists ignoring the solid white line and cutting people off at the last second, causing accidents. Listen to the traffic reports.There are accidents there almost every day.

Where are the police who are concerned for our safety? Why aren't they ticketing these drivers? If they were truly concerned about accident prevention, then they would be getting these people, not someone going a few miles over the speed limit.

I would love to see the police prove to me that it really is about safety and not about the revenue. Speeders are low hanging fruit.

The people who actually cause accidents are a little tougher to nab, but not all that difficult. Ride with me any weekday morning. I will show you at least a half dozen within one minute.

Once they start addressing these law breakers, then we can have a discussion about radar.

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