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Trump is unfit

During the presidential debate I tried to pretend that I had never heard of either candidate, and would judge both solely from what I saw that evening. I was disappointed that the majority of the debate was spent with both candidates attacking each other and saying what we “need to do.”

Trump did a better job of saying what was “wrong” with America, politicians, Obama, Clinton, the government, etc. But he didn’t seem to have any specifics about what he was going to do to fix it.

Clinton did offer some specific comments about what she would do, but I thought “if these things would work, then why didn’t she get them implemented when she was Secretary of State and her friend, Obama, was president?”

Clinton would address the questions, but when a question was posed to Trump he almost never answered. Instead, he’d go off on some speech that had nothing to do with the question.

The moderator obviously caught Trump in at least four bold-faced lies.

First, Trump is on record as supporting the war in Iraq, yet insisted that he did not support it.

Second, Trump accused Obama of not being born in America, but insisted that he had stopped with those accusations when they were proven false. When Holt pointed out that Trump had continued to make that claim years after the birth certificate had been produced, Trump talked right over him and never answered.

Third, Holt asked Trump why he’d said Clinton did not have the “Presidential look” and Trump insisted that he had actually said she didn’t have “Presidential stamina.” Holt pressed the question several times but Trump would just talk over him.

Fourth, Trump said he hadn’t released his tax returns because he was being audited, and Holt commented that IRS said that the audit would not in any way hinder the release of the tax returns.

At one point I turned off the volume and just watched body language and facial expressions. Clinton was smiling and looked confident. Trump, on the other hand, never even smiled once. He just tilted his head, squinted his eyes, and stared at Clinton in a look of such pure hatred that I found it frightening.

What came into my mind was “this man does not have God in his heart.”

Could our country produce a better president than Hillary Clinton? Yes. Could we have a worse president than Donald Trump? No.

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