Site last updated: Friday, September 20, 2024

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Butler County's great daily newspaper

A vote for Johnson

There is a real choice to be made this presidential election. Recent polls show that anywhere from 45 to 60 percent of voters do not like either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Both major parties are failing to represent us, and are instead tearing us apart as a country.

Because they are failing us, we should stop voting for them. If those 45 to 60 percent of voters made a different choice we could break free of the corrupt two party system.

Gary Johnson will be on the ballot in every state as the Libertarian candidate for president. The party is fiscally conservative and socially inclusive, bringing together the best of what the two major parties used to be and the best of what makes us strong as Americans.

People who tell you a third party vote is a wasted vote are just propping up the broken two party system. A wasted vote is for something you do not believe in.

Never before have we had two major party candidates with such high negatives. This is the year that we can make a difference by supporting a new party. Please at least look at Gary Johnson, learn about his positions and background and then make your voting decision.

Voice your support for him to be included in the debates and allow his message to be heard.

Your vote will not be wasted. You can have a voice.

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