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Warden: Prison took proper steps

Sex assault claims filed by 2 inmates

Butler County Warden Joe DeMore said all the proper steps were taken once two male inmates in the county prison alleged sexual harassment by a food service vendor worker.

DeMore said the Butler man charged, Luis Quinones, 27, of Trinity Services Group was banned from the building on May 10 — the day the allegations were made.

“We immediately removed him,” DeMore said.

Prison staff handed the investigation over to the county district attorney.

Quinones was subsequently charged with two felonies: institutional sexual assault and attempted sexual assault as well as a misdemeanor: indecent assault.

DeMore said the prison’s Rape Elimination Act coordinator was involved in the process.

The warden said Quinones made it through a background check before being allowed to work in the prison.

DeMore refutes claims made by the inmates’ attorney, Michael Pisanchyn of the Pisanchyn Law Firm, which has offices in Pittsburgh and Scranton, that his clients were denied from making phone calls.

Pisanchyn could not be reached this morning for comment.

County court today is considering requests by Pisanchyn to release both inmates. However, neither prisoner, who would be placed on house arrest, is named.

According to the first petition to furlough, John Doe I violated probation for a use/possession of drug paraphernalia conviction.

John Doe I pleaded guilty to the original charge in July 2015 before pleading guilty to the violation, supplying drug-free urine for a mandated test.

According to the petition, “Petitioner was subjected to sexual innuendo, sexual advances, sexual contact and even forced to orgasm based on the acts of this person (Quinones).”

The petition claims John Doe I was singled out by staff and inmates for bringing the situation to light.

According to the petition, “Petitioner has called the undersigned crying and seems to be in need of psychological counseling due specifically to these assault issues.”

The second petition states John Doe II in October 2015 pleaded guilty to burglary.

According to that petition, John Doe II was subject to sexual innuendo, sexual advances and sexual contact based on the actions of Quinones.

Pisanchyn alleges John Doe II has been subjected to insults and slurs by staff and other inmates.

According to the petition, “To require petitioner to remain at the Butler County Prison during this time will subject him to more ridicule, put him in more fear and open him up to more issues rather than allowing him to be placed on house arrest.”

DeMore said he’s unsure how Quinones could have had inappropriate contact with the inmates since correction officers are stationed in the kitchen

“The kitchen is always under supervision by two correction officers,” the warden said.

The prison also has numerous surveillance cameras throughout the building.

DeMore said there have been no indications that inmates feel unsafe.

The annual Prison Rape Elimination Act audit done May 16 and 17 asked a sampling of 20 inmates if they felt safe. All 20 responded they felt safe.

District Attorney Richard Goldinger said Quinones turned himself in and subsequently posted bond over the weekend.

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