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'Gun-free' can't work

Regarding my letter “Not a gun-free zone”, published May 18. I submit a follow-up of importance.

I have received comments as to the positive versus the negative aspect of this community status. These comments have been at the rate of about three to one in favor.

After recent devastating events such as in Chattanooga, I would like to ask each citizen once again: How do you feel about this subject, especially after such a display by a terrorist taking the lives of four U.S. Marines, wounding a U.S. sailor (fatally) and a local police officer?

No, we will never get rid of this type of scum as popped up in Chattanooga until we:

• Eliminate all gun-free zones ... no more such places (havens) in the U.S.

• Start profiling everyone. I don’t care if we are a land of immigrants and we should be considerate of others feelings. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. The same goes for those who would do us harm ... they eventually will slip up and then be caught before they do their dastardly deeds.

• Outlaw sanctuary cities. If the elected leaders of such communities want to harbor criminals and felons, they can do so from their jails. This type of illegal insubordination against federal law must be eliminated. I specifically resent the smug attitude of the San Francisco Council members on TV. I am sick and tired of these namby-pamby politicians. They love to talk, talk, talk but take no action.

The suspect in the Chatanooga killings, Muhammed Youssef Abdulazeez, was born in Kenya to a middle class Muslim family whose father had previously been on an FBI watch list. What does the FBI mean that Abdulazeez was not on their radar? The FBI must be the biggest bunch of evaders, staying in line with this administration’s cowardly approach to such episodes.

If this wasn’t an act of Islamic terrorism, then I have no idea what is.

After being made aware of these facts, do you still support gun-free zones?

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