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Alcohol ban to remain

Council discusses plaza ordinance

City council members are unwilling to waiver on their stance not to allow alcohol at the West New Castle Street Plaza.

Councilman Bill May brought up discussion at the council meeting Tuesday night to consider allowing alcohol if the city would manage the plaza.

May said he is concerned that the enforcement of the ordinance would deter visitors from the Friday night concerts put on by Butler Downtown.

“I think that we can manage that plaza for those concerts where we can allow (alcohol),” May said.

The councilman said he was at the plaza Friday and noticed fewer people than in the past.

“I did notice that a large group of people that used to attend those concerts and would have a drink or two and behave responsibly — those groups of people were missing,” May said.

Council last month voted to begin enforcing a city ordinance that prevents alcohol on public property at the request of police Chief Ron Brown.

Before that action, it was common for visitors at the two-hour concerts to bring alcohol from home or to buy drinks from the Brick House and take them outside.

May said the city should explore a compromise on the situation that would allow visitors at the plaza to buy drinks from businesses and drink them in the plaza while watching the concert.

However, the rest of council wasn’t convinced.

Councilwoman Cheri Readie said it is too soon after the initial enforcement decision to make any judgments on attendance.

Readie said one of the Fridays also was July 4th and the Big Butler Fair also was going on.

“I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback about the decision,” Readie said. “A lot of people are saying they’ll go down there now.”

Councilwoman Kathy Kline agreed it was too soon to make a decision on attendance.

“I think it’s also important to remember this came at the recommendation of the police department,” she said.

Police Capt. Ron Fierst told council that anytime there are large crowds of people and alcohol, there is a risk for issues.

“(Visitors) have an expectation of having a safe environment,” he said. “When there is alcohol, it’s not a question of if, but when something will happen.”

Bob Dandoy, president of Butler Downtown, told council he has heard many people tell him they were disappointed in the decision.

“The people who were going to those establishments that are not coming now — those are the people we want,” he said.

Dandoy said the only issue at the plaza was with the select few people who were bringing their own coolers of beer.

“I’ve said all along that we need to stop coolers,” he said. “But people having one or two drinks wasn’t the problem.”

City police have been enforcing the no alcohol rule at the plaza since council’s last meeting. Mayor Tom Donaldson said there has been an arrest each week since then.

He said last Friday some people attempted to fill cups with beer down the block and sneak it into the plaza, and were twice told by police to pour it out.

“These are the so-called responsible people,” he said.

Readie said she preferred alcohol not be permitted to create a family atmosphere.

May, citing a recent visit to a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game, said you can have both.

“Having beer doesn’t stop it from being family friendly,” he said.

Councilman Richard Schontz Jr. said he understood May’s thoughts on wanting to attract people to businesses downtown, but didn’t think enough time has passed to see the impact on the plaza.

The discussion was not added to the list of items to be voted on at council’s meeting Thursday, but still could be if May desires.

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