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Potty mouth

Commissioner Jim Eckstein, you are a disgrace and embarrassment to the residents of Butler County. You went to a D.A.R.E graduation at the South Butler Intermediate Elementary School, expecting to speak. You aren’t even sure if you had responded to the invitation but yet you expected to speak, and as is your usual way of making a grand entrance, you were late.

Your actions and choice of words would make me have second thoughts of you speaking to my child about drugs and the choices you have made, in your exact words, “to not smoke or take drugs, and living a clean lifestyle. I talk from the heart.”

It doesn’t matter whether you think any of the kids heard you or not, other people did.

I’ll just bet if someone talked like that in front of your family, you’d be screaming and filing a lawsuit against them.

You have created your own problems and you continue to create more problems within county government, and now throughout Butler County, as well.

Man up, get over yourself and quit screaming political retaliation every time something doesn’t go your way. I’ll just bet when you were in school you were the biggest tattletale and the loudest whiner there.

As the saying goes, You can’t fix stupid. Well, we voters of Butler County can prove that statement wrong when you come up for re-election.

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